The spring season has begun, and it is the best time to go out with your loved ones and create beautiful memories with them. As amazing as this season is, the outdoor activities may also bring an uninvited guest, Norovirus or winter vomiting bug which is one of the most common stomach infections. It tends to emerge between the months of November to April, primarily during the spring season. This is because places like schools, daycare centers, and shopping malls are highly crowded during this time of the year, that leads to easy spread of Norovirus virus from person-to-person.

The winter vomiting bug is usually present in contaminated food, and it typically spreads when a healthy person comes in contact with an infected person. It causes viral gastroenteritis infection which is the no. 1 causes of illness from spoiled food in the US. Despite it being a very common infection, there isn’t any vaccine for Norovirus also called as Norwalk virus, because of which it is important take preventive measures to protect yourself from it. Stay informed to protect yourself and your family members from this virus throughout the year. In this blog, we have covered everything from signs, symptoms and prevention methods to help you stay protected from winter vomiting bug.

Signs and Symptoms of Norovirus include

Norovirus is very contagious and can cause severe gastrointestinal illness. Its symptoms usually occur within 1-2 days after exposure to the virus.

Here are the most common signs and symptoms of winter vomiting bug infection:

  1. Nausea – It is one of the first symptoms to appear.
  2. Vomiting – Vomiting may occur multiple times within a short period.
  3. Diarrhea – It is often watery and frequent, leading to dehydration if not managed properly.
  4. Stomach Cramps -These can range from mild discomfort to severe pain.
  5. Low-grade Fever – Some individuals may experience a mild fever, usually below 100.4°F (38°C).
  6. Muscle Aches – Muscle aches, headaches, and general malaise may occur.
  7. Dehydration – Severe vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration, dry mouth, decreased urine output, dizziness, and weakness.
  8. Loss of Appetite – Loss of appetite may occur due to nausea and gastrointestinal discomfort.

*Note – The severity of these symptoms may vary from person to person. While people may recover within a few days, immediate medical attention is required after these symptoms occur. Sometimes individuals may not even experience any symptoms but can still spread norovirus to others.

How Exactly does Norovirus spread?

The winter vomiting bug spreads within the blink of an eye, especially during the springtime when people are more likely to engage in outdoor activities. Understanding how this virus spreads is important to prevent it.

Person-to-Person Transmission

One of the primary ways viral gastroenteritis spreads is through direct contact with an infected person. This can happen through actions like shaking hands, sharing food or utensils, or caring for someone who is ill. The virus can also spread when an infected person vomits and releases aerosolized particles into the air.

Contaminated Surfaces

The winter vomiting bug can survive on surfaces for days or even weeks, which makes contaminated surfaces a significant source of transmission. Hence, touching surfaces such as doorknobs, countertops, or handrails and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes can lead to infection.

Infected Food and Water

Consuming food or water that has been infected with Norwalk virus is another common route of transmission. This can occur if food is prepared or handled by someone who is infected with the virus or if the food comes into contact with contaminated surfaces or water sources.


Certain types of shellfish, such as oysters, can filter Norwalk virus particles from contaminated water and concentrate them in their tissues. Therefore, consuming raw or undercooked shellfish can result in norovirus infection.

Fecal-Oral Route

Norwalk virus can also spread through the fecal-oral route, which occurs when microscopic particles of feces containing the virus are swallowed. This happens when proper hygiene practices are not followed, such as washing hands after using the restroom or changing diapers.

Norovirus Prevention: Key Strategies for Staying Safe

Wash Hands Thoroughly

When washing your hands, use warm water and soap, and scrub for at least 20 seconds. Ensure you wash all surfaces of your hands, including between your fingers and under your nails. Wash thoroughly and wipe with a clean towel or let it air dry. Proper hand washing can remove particles of Norovirus from the skin and prevent the spread of gastroenteritis disease to others.

Wash Hands Thoroughly
Practice Respiratory Hygiene

Practice Respiratory Hygiene

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets that may contain the Norovirus. In case you don’t have a tissue available, cough or sneeze into your elbow rather than your hands. This helps to trap droplets containing viruses and prevents them from spreading to others.

Disinfect Personal Items

Clean and disinfect personal items such as cell phones, wallets, and keys regularly, especially if you’ve been in crowded or high-risk environments. These items can contain germs and contribute to the spread of norovirus. When disinfecting surfaces, consider wearing disposable gloves to minimize direct contact with potentially contaminated surfaces.

Disinfect Personal Items
Select Effective Disinfectants

Select Effective Disinfectants

Use EPA-approved disinfectants that are known to be effective against norovirus. Follow the instructions on the product label for proper use, including contact time and concentration. Pay special attention to frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, faucet handles, and electronic devices. These areas can trap the virus and lead to its transmission.

Implement a Food Safety Plan

When handling and preparing food, follow the four basic principles of food safety: clean, separate, cook, and chill. Wash hands and surfaces often, keep raw foods separate from ready-to-eat foods, cook food to the appropriate temperature, and refrigerate perishable foods promptly.

Implement a Food Safety Plan
Practice Safe Seafood Consumption

Practice Safe Seafood Consumption

Consuming raw shellfish can increase the risk of viral gastroenteritis. If consuming raw or undercooked shellfish, ensure they are sourced from reputable suppliers and properly handled and stored. It is best to cook shellfish at an optimum temperate as it helps to kill harmful bacteria and viruses.

Maintain Proper Hydration

If you or someone in your household is experiencing vomiting or diarrhea due to norovirus, focus on replacing lost fluids and electrolytes.

Drink clear fluids such as water, broth, or oral rehydration solutions frequently to prevent dehydration.

Proper Hydration
Create a Sick Room

Create a Sick Room

Select a specific room in your home where sick family members can isolate themselves to minimize the spread of gastroenteritis infection to others. Equip the room with essential supplies like tissues, trash bags, and a thermometer. Isolation ensures a better recovery of the patient while keeping their family members safe.

Educate Family Members

Ensure that everyone in your household understands the importance of norovirus prevention measures and knows how to recognize its symptoms. Show children how to wash hands properly and motivate them to practice good hygiene habits.

Educate Family Members
Stay Alert in Public Settings

Stay Alert in Public Settings

Be cautious when using public restrooms, dining in restaurants, or attending events with large crowds. Apply hand sanitizer after touching any surfaces and avoid touching your face until you have washed your hands properly. Also don’t forget to wear a mask to reduce the risk of spreading or contracting illnesses.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Strengthen your immune system with a balanced diet, regular exercise, managed stress levels, and adequate sleep. A healthy immune system can help your body fight off infections more effectively and keep norovirus at bay.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

By incorporating these detailed tips into your daily routine and lifestyle, you can significantly reduce the risk of norovirus infection and protect yourself and your loved ones throughout the spring season and beyond.

Take Action Today!

Safeguarding yourself and your loved ones from norovirus requires a multi-faceted approach that includes hygiene practices and lifestyle adjustments. This spring season, it is imperative to remain proactive in implementing these preventive measures. Understanding the signs and symptoms of norovirus infection is crucial for early detection and intervention. By promptly recognizing these indicators and seeking medical attention, you can easily reduce the severity of the illness.

To get immediate attention and meds required for combatting Norovirus, visit Stadium Pharmacy! Our friendly pharmacists provide expert advice and guidance to manage the symptoms effectively. We understand the importance of prevention and are here to assist you in finding the most effective measures for your family’s needs. Order your meds for Norovirus infection today and get back to your healthier self. We’re here to support you throughout the journey of wellness!!



Order your meds from Stadium Pharmacy today!! Call us at 816-356-4600 and our pharmacists will deliver medications right to your doorsteps.
